Four evenings of interviews, broadcast live on Google Hangouts on Air / YouTube. Steve Hargadon guides us through the world of teachers as agents of creation and change.
An unbelievable lineup. See the recordings here.
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Adam Bellow @adambellow: Teacher entrepreneurship is essential and a natural part of being an educator - they create, share, and iterate to meet the needs of those they serve - just as any other entrepreneur.
Adam Bellow began his career in the classroom as a High School English teacher. He has worked as a technology training specialist, Director of Educational Technology, and is currently a speaker on educational technology and infusing technology to aid school reformation. He is the founder of the websites eduTecher, eduClipper, WeLearnedIt, and the newly formed eduGames. In addition to these free tools, Adam launched the popular charity “Change the World” student-focused charity campaigns and co-wrote the book Untangling the Web.
Alice Keeler @alicekeeler: Teacher entrepreneurship is recognizing needs in education and creating and sharing solutions.
Alice Keeler is a Google for Education Certified Innovator, member of the Horizon report advisory panel, author of the book "50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom" and EdTech blogger.
Angela Maiers @AngelaMaiers: Teacher entrepreneurship is a declaration that we are not 'just' anything; we are all geniuses, and the world needs everything that we have to contribute.
Angela Maiers has been creating and leading change in education and enterprise for 25 years, teaching every level of school from kindergarten to graduate school and consulting with companies around the world. Her powerful message and down-to-earth style has made her a highly sought-after keynote speaker for education conferences, corporate events and innovation summits. She is the author of six books, including Classroom Habitudes and The Passion-Driven Classroom, and her You Matter talk at TEDxDesMoines has been viewed several hundred thousand times. Angela is the founder of Choose2Matter, a global movement that challenges and inspires students to work collaboratively to develop innovative solutions to social problems. She is an alumna of The University of Iowa, where she earned her Bachelor’s in Education and her Master’s in Educational Supervision and Reading.
Anne Mirtschin @murcha: Teacher entrepreneurship is seizing every opportunity anytime and anywhere.
Anne Mirtschin lives on an Australian farm, together with her husband, 1200 sheep, a number of cattle, peafowl, chooks, a cat, a dog and the odd kangaroo and koala. She is an experienced, multi-award winning educator who teaches ICT and Commerce at Hawkesdale P12 College a small prep to year 12 school in country Western Victoria, where students are geographically and culturally isolated. The innovative use of technology has opened up the classroom walls and allowed students to learn from and with the world, taking learning well beyond the textbook. Anne uses online tools to create powerful learning opportunities for local and global students. She is passionate about rural and global education, immersing technology into the classroom and eLearning. Anne is also a web conference coach for Digital Learning, Victorian DEET; moderator of the weekly webinar series - Tech Talk Tuesdays; is a Flat Connections Global Educator, a Skype Master Educator, a Global Classroom Lead Teacher, Communications Officer for ISTE Global PLN and on the leadership team for the Global Education Conference.
Barbara Bray @bbray27: Teacher entrepreneurship is about teachers as active participants in and leaders for education change.
Barbara Bray is co-founder of Personalize Learning, LLC, co-author of the book Make Learning Personal, and founder/owner of My eCoach. She is a creative learning strategist who is passionate about writing and empowering teachers to transform teaching and learning. She is an expert on coaching, communities of practice, and designing projects and learner-centered environments. Barbara uses Rethinking Learning to express why and how change needs to happen now.
Ben Wilkoff @bhwilkoff: Teacher entrepreneurship is inevitable, as the more we trust teachers to create personalized learning environments the more they will actually CREATE that is worth sharing with the world.
Ben Wilkoff is the Director of Personalized Professional Learning in Denver Public Schools. He has taught middle schoolers English. He has managed online communities for Edmodo and been an Online Learning and Technology Resources Specialist for Douglas County Schools. He was named the Totally Wired Teacher of the year in 2007 by Edutopia and has blogged at Learning is Change since 2004. He is married to his favorite person, and loves his three children quite a little bit. He is passionate about personalized learning, technology with purpose, and creating at least one new thing every day. In short, he teaches, and learns. A lot.
Bernard Bull @bdean1000: Teacher entrepreneurship is a creative, radical, passionate, mission-minded pursuit of the unconventional.
Dr. Bernard Bull is Assistant Vice President of Academics and Associate Professor of Education at Concordia University Wisconsin. He holds degrees in history, theology, curriculum and instruction, humanities, and instructional technology. Bernard is a frequent keynote speaker and consultant on topics related to educational innovation and entrepreneurship with clients ranging from Harvard Business Publishing and think tanks to education startups, Universities, private and charter schools, and new school startups. He is on the Harvard Business Publishing Higher Education Advisory Board, the Board of Advisors for Project World School, The Board of Directors for Lutheran Education Association, The Gifted Education Initiative Board, and the Governance Board for the Kettle Moraine Charter School for Global Leadership and Innovation (KM Global). He is also the recent co-founder of Birdhouse Learning Labs, an education company committed to designing, promoting and supporting unconventional educational experiences that nurture curiosity, a love of learning, self-directed learning and a sense of calling. His work, writing and consulting focuses on emerging and alternative models of P-20 education, futures in education, educational innovation, educational entrepreneurship, and the intersection of education and digital culture. He blogs on these topics at The Educational Entrepreneur’s Code:
Bill Ferriter @plugusin: Teacher entrepreneurship is tenacity in action -- a conscious refusal to sit on the sidelines as our profession is redefined and our classrooms are reimagined. It's a willigness to take professional risk in the service of student learning.
Bill Ferriter has about a dozen professional titles. He is a Solution Tree author and professional development provider with expertise in building collaborative communities and using technology to reimagine learning spaces. He's published articles on the changing nature of teaching and learning in Phi Delta Kappan Magazine, the Journal for Staff Development, Educational Leadership and Threshold Magazine. He's also a noted edublogger and a Senior Fellow of the Collaboratory -- a digital community designed to elevate teacher voice sponsored by the Center for Teaching Quality. He proudly checks all of those titles at the door each morning, however, when we walks into his sixth grade science classroom in a learning community outside of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Chris Sloan @csloan: Teacher entrepreneurship is about improving education from the ground up.
Chris Sloan teaches high school English and media at Judge Memorial in Salt Lake City, Utah. A doctoral candidate in the hybrid Ph.D. program in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology at Michigan State University, his research focuses on student motivation and digital composition. He has been a teaching consultant with the National Writing Project since 1993. About ten years ago Paul Allison and Chris co-founded, an online community where students discuss their digital composition. He participates in a weekly webcast at He and his students participate in learning communities like KQED Do Now, PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs, and Out of Eden Learn.
Curtis Bonk @travelinedman: One does not assume the role of teacher entrepreneur or apply for the title; instead, it is a label that tends to surface after a series of innovative and often highly public and impactful pedagogical experiences and experimentations, untold sharings and helpings to equip others to do the same through one’s leadership and vision, and associated reflections on each iteration, idea, or activity as well as the overall process so as the push beyond it in even more creative and engaging ways.
Curt Bonk is Professor at Indiana University teaching psychology and technology courses and President of CourseShare. Drawing on his background as a corporate controller, CPA, educational psychologist, and instructional technologist, Bonk offers unique insights into the intersection of business, education, psychology, and technology. He received the CyberStar Award from the Indiana Information Technology Association, the Most Outstanding Achievement Award from the U.S. Distance Learning Association, the Most Innovative Teaching in a Distance Education Program Award from the State of Indiana, and, in 2014, the Mildred B. and Charles A. Wedemeyer Award for Outstanding Practitioner in Distance Education. A well-known authority on emerging technologies for learning, Bonk reflects on his speaking experiences around the world in his popular blog, TravelinEdMan. He has authored several widely used technology books, including The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education (2009), Empowering Online Learning: 100+ Activities for Reading, Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing (2008), The Handbook of Blended Learning (2006), and Electronic Collaborators (1998). His recent book, Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online (2014), is freely available to download as an eBook at in Chinese as well as English. And his latest book with Routledge, MOOCs and Open Education Around the World, as well as a special issue of the International Journal on E-Learning on the same topic both came out in July 2015 (see . See Bonk’s homepage for his archived talks and Web resources at: Curt can be contacted at: or
Dan Meyer @ddmeyer:
Dan Meyer taught high school math to students who didn't like high school math. He has advocated for better math instruction on CNN, Good Morning America, Everyday With Rachel Ray, and He earned his doctorate from Stanford University in math education and is the Chief Academic Officer at Desmos where he explores the future of math textbooks. He speaks internationally and was named one of Tech & Learning's 30 Leaders of the Future. He lives in Mountain View, CA.
David Warlick @dwarlick:
Dean Shareski @shareski: If someone asked you, "What's your unfair advantage?" How would you respond?
Dean Shareski is the community manager for Discovery Education. He's also a adjunct at Wilkes University. Dean has been blogging and sharing online for over a decade. He's come to know that connecting with smart people is the key to success.
Erin Klein @KleinErin:
Esther Wojcicki @EstherWojcicki:
Jon Corippo @jcorippo: We need teachers to not be seen as commodities, but rather as talented, creative leaders.
Jon Corippo is the Director of Academic Innovation for CUE, an Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Innovator. Jon's proudest work is the CUE Rock Star Teacher Camp Series, which he dreamed, created, curated and has guided into a national teacher capacity building love-based PD model. Jon has spent 16 years in the classroom, has served as a Principal and County Assistant Superintendent and love to answer every tweet and email that comes his way.
Julie Lindsay @julielindsay: Teacherpreneurship is about global leadership and having the confidence and support to implement new pedagogies for learning.
Julie has worked as an education and IT leader in six different countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East. She understands different global contexts and is able to bring new opportunities to others through her passion for learning and ‘teacherpreneur’ approach. Her passion is for online global collaboration and as Director of Flat Connections she leads unique student projects for K-12 levels. For educators she is adept at designing and customizing learning experiences including virtual courses and live events. Her first book, ‘Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds’ is acclaimed as the definitive text on how to embed global connections and collaborations for meaningful learning. Her new book, ‘The Global Educator’ will be available in 2016 and shares many stories and essential resources for taking learning global. Jule is completing an EdD at the University of Southern Queensland with research focusing on online global collaborative educators’ and pedagogical change. Find out more about Julie at
Karen Fasimpaur :
Lee Kolbert @TeachaKidd:
Lisa Nielsen @InnovativeEdu: Teacher entrepreneurship can mean establishing a unique, uncharted career path to best meet the needs of staff, students, and families.
Lisa Nielsen found school boring and irrelevant. That ticked her off so she became a public school educator who works to help change that for others. She does this by finding and sharing innovative ways to prepare students for relevant and real-world success. Among other things, this means ensuring educators and students have the right tools (BYOD) and a voice in conversations, issues, and policies that affect them. She began her career in the 90s as a librarian which was a perfect fit enabling her to create a buzzing and vibrant oasis in Harlem where students could find their passions with support from the community. Since then she has served in various capacities including as a literacy coach, ed tech professional development manager, technology innovation manager, and director of digital literacy and citizenship. Today she serves as the director of digital engagement and professional learning for her district. Lisa shares her ideas on The Innovative Educator blog. Her writing and work are also featured in places such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, T.H.E. Journal, and Tech & Learning. She has also authored several books including Teaching Generation Text, Fix the School, Not the Child, and Building a Strong Home-School Connection with Cell Phones.
Lucy Gray @elemenous: Teacher entrepreneurship is a forward thinking mindset where one is constantly thinking of next steps and improvements around the field of education and then, having those ideas drive one's life work.
Currently an education consultant advising a variety of organizations, Lucy Gray previously taught elementary grade levels in Chicago Public Schools and middle school computer science at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools. In 2007, Lucy founded the Global Education Collaborative, a network for educators interested in collaboration which has been expanded into the Global Education Conference. In her consulting life, she has led CoSN’s Leadership for Mobile Learning initiative, developed strategic plans and content for companies, provided professional development and innovation coaching to school districts, and presented at many conferences. She currently is conducting educational outreach for Remind, a leading ed tech start up. Lucy also has received the distinctions of Apple Distinguished Educator and Google Certified Teacher and serves as an Education Fast Forward fellow.
Matt Harris, Ed.D @mattharrisedd: Teacher entrepreneurship is an attitude of courageous and continuous instructional improvement steeped in authentic student learning where teachers experiment, learn, and share.
Matt Harris, Ed.D. is an international educational leader, teacher, instructional technologist, author, presenter and researcher. He has taught at all grade levels from preschool to graduate school as an ICT and mathematics teacher. He has worked as a senior administrator at independent schools and universities in North America and Asia. He works as an educational consultant for schools and Ministries of Education in the Middle East, Africa, North America, Australia, and Asia. Dr. Harris is a frequent conference speaker and author focusing on educational topics from educational technology leadership and information literacy to professional development and change management. He curates and adds to the body of educational technology materials that help teachers use tools for enhanced teaching and learning. His research interests lie in the design and implementation of staff development, educational leadership, and instructional programs that focus on improving student learning through resource allocation and usage. Currently, Dr. Harris serves as the Chair-elect of the Board of Directors for the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE),a post he will take over in January, 2016 becoming the first ISTE Chair to live and work outside of the United States.
Mike Lawrence @techmaverick:
Over the last twenty years, Mike Lawrence has been an English and web design teacher, administrator, technology coordinator and non-profit leader. He was named an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2003. He assisted in the development and launch of the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) and co-founded the Google Certified Teacher program. He currently serves as CEO of CUE (, helping the nonprofit grow threefold in 10 years, and also serves as Director of the California Student Media Festival ( He led the development and launch of Leading Edge Certification and co-produces Infinite Thinking Machine, an award-winning web TV show focused on creativity and innovation in the classroom. He is a CUE Gold Disk recipient, was appointed to serve on the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing's Teacher Preparation Advisory Panel, was honored as one of the National School Board Association's "20 to Watch in Educational Technology" and was awarded the ISTE Making IT Happen jacket at ISTE 2013. He lives with his wife Julie, and coaches boys soccer in Southern California.
Nicholas Provenzano @TheNerdyTeacher: Teacher entrepreneurship is growing because more and more people are seeing the value in what educators can bring outside of the traditional classroom.
Nicholas Provenzano is a high school English teacher and an education blogger. He writes on his website,,, the ISTE blog, as well as many other prominent educational websites. He has been featured on, The New York Times, Consumer Report, and many other media outlets. In 2013, he was awarded the Technology Teacher of the Year by MACUL and ISTE. In the summer of 2014, Nicholas became a Google Certified Teacher. He also does consulting work for edtech businesses and school districts. Nicholas can be found tweeting plenty of nerdy ideas on Twitter at @TheNerdyTeacher.
Nicole Tucker-Smith @MsTuckerSmith: Teacher entrepreneurship is seeing a barrier to better learning experiences and building a window to new opportunities.
Nicole Tucker-Smith is cofounder and CEO of Lessoncast, a teacher learning platform that serves teacher prep programs, K12 schools and districts, and state departments of education. She leads Lessoncast’s work to provide blended professional learning modules, tailored to the community’s instructional framework and personalized to meet individual teacher’s needs. She has also served as a teacher, assistant principal, and systemwide coordinator of professional development. She publishes via her blog,, where she’s written extensively about scaling innovation in education.
Paul Allison :
Ramsey Musallam @ramusallam: Teacher entrepreneurship involves the organization, curation and sharing of one's instructional strategies, ideas and opinions for the betterment of the greater teaching community.
Ramsey Musallam is a secondary science instructor at Sacred Heart Cathedral in downtown San Francisco and also has served as an adjunct professor of education at the University of San Francisco and Touro University. In addition to his role as a science instructor, Ramsey is the Director of Inquiry and Innovation at Sacred Heart Cathedral and runs invention workshops for elementary and middle school students in the Bay Area. Ramsey delivers keynotes, webinars and facilitates workshops for teachers nationally and internationally with a focus on using technology as a strategic classroom partner in designing learning environments grounded in inquiry fueled by student curiosity. Additionally, Ramsey is the host of the Infinite Thinking Machine, an internet TV show dedicated to sharing innovative ideas for teachers and students. Ramsey’s TED Talk “3 Rules to Spark Learning” is widely popular with classroom teachers, and was the lead talk on TEDs first ever PBS TV premiere, “TED Talks Education.”
Richard Byrne @rmbyrne: Write it, ship it, repeat.
Richard Byrne is best known for his award winning blog, Free Technology for Teachers which he started while teaching high school social studies in Maine. Today, Richard’s writing reaches more than 500,000 educators every month. His favorite thing to do is help teachers develop creative and practical classroom uses of technology. An energetic speaker, Richard has been invited to speak at events all over North America, Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. In addition to writing Free Technology for Teachers, Richard also maintains and Richard’s print work includes a monthly column for School Library Journal, contributing author to What School Leaders Need to Know About Digital Technologies and Social Media, and contributions to Teacher Librarian. Richard lives in Woodstock, Maine with his loyal dogs Max and Morrison.
Rushton Hurley @rushtonh: Teaching, Entrepreneurship, and Service Above Self
Rushton Hurley is an educator who believes this is a great time to teach. In his work, he has taught Japanese language, been principal of an online school, directed a college professional development program, and succeeded as a social benefit entrepreneur. He loves creativity, collaborative innovation, and laughing at himself. Rushton regularly keynotes national and international conferences, with his fun and thoughtful talks focusing on free technology, the power of multimedia, creativity and excellence, school improvement, and the professional perspectives and experiences of teachers at all levels.
Shabbi Luthra @shluthra:
Shelly Sanchez Terrell @ShellTerrell: Teacher entrepreneurship is having a passion and wrapping it in a message that is so powerful it inspires others to act and transform teaching and learning.
Shelly Sanchez Terrell is a teacher trainer, elearning specialist, and the author of The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers: Small Steps to Transform Your Teaching and Learning to Go: Lesson Ideas for Teaching with Mobile Devices, Cell Phones and BYOT. She has trained teachers and taught language learners in over 20 countries as an invited guest expert and has been recognized by the ELTon Awards, The New York Times, NPR, and Microsoft’s Heroes for Education as a leader in the movement of teacher driven professional development. Recently, she was named Woman of the Year by Star Jone’s National Association of Professional Women, awarded a Bammy Award as a founder of #Edchat, and named as one of the Most Influential People Transforming EdTech by Tech & Learning (2015).
Silvia Tolisano @langwitches: Teacher entrepreneurship is realizing and understanding that the middle man is gone.
Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano is a Third Culture Kid (TCK). Born in Germany, raised in Argentina, having lived shortly in Brazil, is now planted in the United States. Her multicultural upbringing fueled her interests, which include globally connected learning, technology integration, contemporary upgrades and amplification of the curriculum, documenting for learning (from digital portfolios, digital storytelling, new forms of teacher observations, to building institutional memory), blogging as pedagogy, visualize learning and developing & maintaining a Personal Learning Network. Silvia is known in the international bloggersphere under the name of “Langwitches”.
Steven Anderson @web20classroom: Teacher entrepreneurship is educators sharing and growing and learning together, to help us all be better.
Steven W. Anderson is a learner, blogger, speaker, Educational Evangelist, author and Dad. As a former teacher and Director of Instructional Technology and best known as @web20classroom, he is highly sought after for his expertise in educational technology integration and using social media for learning. Steven presents at conferences worldwide and is also responsible in helping create #edchat, the most popular educational hashtag on Twitter.
Suzie Boss @suzieboss: Entrepreneurial teachers don't stop at imagining new ways to engage and support their own learners; they use all the tools at their disposal to help good ideas spread and scale.
Suzie Boss is a writer and educational consultant who focuses on the power of teaching and learning to improve lives and transform communities. She's the author of several books, including Bringing Innovation to School, Reinventing Project-Based Learning, and Thinking Through Project-Based Learning. She is a regular contributor to Edutopia and the Stanford Social Innovation Review, and a member of the Buck Institute for Education National Faculty. She has consulted with schools around the world interested in shifting to a more student-centered approach to teaching and learning.
Sylvia Martinez @smartinez: Advocating for learning is not selfish and not bragging. By creating compelling learning stories and models, educators can change the world.
Sylvia Martinez is a maker, mom, engineer, and the co-author of the book, Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom, called “the bible of the classroom maker movement”. Sylvia speaks, writes, and works with schools around the world evangelizing authentic, inclusive use of technology across the curriculum. She is president of Constructing Modern Knowledge Press, creating books and professional development advocating using modern technology for learning. Sylvia is also a mentor/advisor to the NSF-funded FabLearn Fellows program at Stanford University. Prior to that, Sylvia ran the educational non-profit Generation YES, designed and programmed educational software and video games, and was an aerospace engineer specializing in GPS navigation and high frequency receiver systems.
Erica started teaching biology and literacy in a rural village in Malawi, Africa and marine conservancy on whale watching expeditions in MA during college. She then became a Teach For America corps member and was a teacher for four years at an inner-city school in San Francisco, CA. She taught ninth grade Biology and Leadership to a diverse, enthusiastic, and inspiring group of students. She joined TES in July 2015 and is a member of the Content team.
Tom Whitby @tomwhitby: The myth of Entrepreneurship in our education system is perpetuated by public relations, but stifled by the reality of politics.
Thomas D. Whitby is the co-author of The Relevant Educator: How Connectedness Empowers Learning, and The Educator’s Guide to Creating Connections. He is @tomwhitby on Twitter with 63,000 followers. Tom retired from Public Education after serving 34 years as a secondary English teacher, and spent an additional six years as an adjunct Professor at St Joseph’s College in New York. He is a Co-Creator of #Edchat, an award winning education discussion group on Twitter. He is an education Blogger, My Island View: Educational, Disconnected Utterances, as well as a Blogger for EDUTOPIA. He is the recipient of the ISTE “Making IT Happen Award”. The Qatar foundation has invited him for the past three years to participate in the WISE Conference, an International Education Conference in Doha, Qatar. He hosts the weekly Edchat Radio Show on the BAM Radio Network. He created the Educator’s PLN, a global Ning site, where approximately 17,000+ educators share and collaborate daily. He is the founder of seven educational groups on LinkedIn, the largest being 17,000+ members, the Technology-Using Professors Group. He participated on The U.S. Department of Education's planning committee for Connected Educator Month since in 2012. Whitby has served as a contributing Editor while developing SmartBlog on Education by SmartBrief, and he has written about Social Media in Education for several national education journals including Learning and Leading the Journal for the International Society for Technology in Education and T.H.E. Journal. He has presented at local, statewide and National and International Education Conferences, including: ASCD, ISTE, FETC, TCEA, NYSCATE, MACUL, ICE, SIIA, and several 140 Character Conferences on Social Media in Los Angeles, and New York City.
Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher:
Vicki’s two books: Reinventing Writing and Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds, empower teachers to connect their students to technology and the world. The Cool Cat Teacher Blog, is consistently among the top 50 blogs in education worldwide. In 2013, Mashable named her one of “Twitter’s Top 10 Rockstar teachers.” She has created more than 20 global collaborative projects connecting students from more than 20 countries. Vicki hosts the popular Internet radio show of best practices for busy teachers “Every Classroom Matters” on the BAM Radio network. She has shared her exciting story at more than 30 conference keynotes around the world and through webinars. The Ignite Show named Vicki a “thought leader in residence.” Her articles appear in Edutopia, the Washington Post, the Atlantic and more. Vicki is a Google Certified Teacher and Discovery S.T.A.R. Educator. She lives in Camilla, Georgia, teaches full time at Westwood Schools and is a wife and mother of three.
Will Richardson @willrich45: Teacher entrepreneurship is about inspiring children to learn and then getting out of their way.
What is learning, really, and how can we make more of it happen in schools?' That's the question that drives the work of Will Richardson, parent, speaker, educator and author. Will believes that the future of schools must be built on a reiteration of how children learn, and then on how we create conditions in classrooms for that deep, sticky learning to take place. Only then can we explore the potentials for technology to amplify the abilities and opportunities for kids to communicate, create, and connect in a learning context.