Your Name and Title:

  • Dr. Troy Hicks
  • Professor and Chairperson, Teacher and Special Education

School, Library, or Organization Name:

  • Central Michigan University

Co-Presenter Name(s):

  • Dr. Kristen Hawley Turner
  • Director of Teacher Education
  • Drew University 

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:

  • United States, Eastern Time Zone

Language in Which You Will Present:

  • English

Target Audience(s):

  • Teachers of writing, Grades 4 to College
  • General interest 

Short Session Description (one line):

  • AI offers a new set of generative complications for students, and teachers, and we will share activities and ideas for guiding students as they engage, ethically, with AI writing generators.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

AI offers a new set of generative complications for students, and teachers, pushing us all to begin the hard work of collaborating with robot writers. Rather than seeing AI as a tool for cheating, we will share activities and ideas for guiding students as they engage, ethically, with AI writing generators to play with ideas, leading them to then plan, draft, and revise their writing. 

Guiding Questions

  • What do these technologies assume about writers (who they are, what they do, etc)?
  • What do these technologies assume about the nature of writing (what writing is, what it does, how the structures of writing work)?
  • What do we, as teachers of writing, need to know about our writers, the AI tools, and the teaching of writing in a digital age?

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: We would adapt from this previous iteration of our presentation from NCTE 2023:

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