Your Name and Title:  Dr. David L. Stoloff, Professor, Education Department

School, Library, or Organization Name:  Eastern Connecticut State University

Co-Presenter Name(s):  

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:  Connecticut, USA

Language in Which You Will Present:  English

Target Audience(s):  secondary and post-secondary students and faculty members

Short Session Description (one line):  An interactive look at a pilot study on undergraduate and graduate students’ attitudes towards educational technologies and AI in the classroom, learner and teacher agency in the events of instruction, and perspectives on fixed or growth mindsets in learning and teaching.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):  The presenter is developing a third perspective on learning and teaching – beyond “sage on stage”, “guide on side”, towards “elder as melder”. In an era when knowledge is accessible in the palm of one’s hand, this presentation will examine a pilot survey of 16 undergraduates and 5 graduate students/teachers on what educational technologies should be brought into the classroom, should AI (artificial intelligence) be included in the learning process, what is the role of learner/teacher agency in the events of instruction, and surveyed perspectives on fixed/growth mindset. Preliminary findings include that neither class seem to agree that AI may be used in the classroom or for completing class projects, the undergraduates did seem to agree more that laptops, cell phones, and ear buds might be used in the classroom, and that social media plays a role in learning and teaching. The graduate students agreed more that the undergraduates that learners should play an more active role in gathering and organizing new information, that learners should make more use of practice of the new information to synthesize and retain new learning knowledge, and that learners should self-assess their new learning. The graduate students seem to agree more in the growth mindset than the undergraduates.

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  • Vwey interested in learning about this topic, grateful you and your yteam for sharing.

    • I hope that you might attend the session on Thursday.  Thanks for your interest.

      David Stoloff - 

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