"Hi, Joao. I have just sent a message to my e-group: English Virtual Community, announcing the launching of Writing Matrix 2008. Will you join us?
Hugs from Argentina!"
"Hola a todos. Estuve un poco apartada de edublogger. Me parece bárbaro los encuentros de los sábados a las nueve. En qué chat? Yahoo? (perdón x la ignoracia :( )
Tendríamos que fijar un día y hora y el que puede, puede. Asi hacemos en un grupo…"
2- In the first post, I suggest to put a photo of yours and a short introduction.
These are the results ( browse down the blogs because we started in May)
(María Lujan's blog)…"
2- In the first post, I suggest to put a photo of yours and a short introduction.
These are the results ( browse down the blogs because we started in May)
(María Lujan's blog)…"
2- In the first post, I suggest to put a photo of yours and a short introduction.
These are the results ( browse down the blogs because we started in May)
(María Lujan's blog)…"
2- In the first post, I suggest to put a photo of yours and a short introduction.
These are the results ( browse down the blogs because we started in May)
(María Lujan's blog)…"
"No, I have not heard of Wikipasifica. I will check it. Let me know when you decide to join WritingMatrix. Have you visited my blog? htpp://englishvirtualcommunity.blogspot.com"
"Hola, Violeta! Me encanta el diseño de tu página aquí en Edubloggers. He visto tus posteos en Webheads, sino me equivoco, y visitado tu sitio en ning. T felicito, está muy pero muy bueno!!! Ya lo incluí en mis favoritos. Cariños desde la Plata,…"
"Hi, Joao. Thanks for you message and your words about writing matrix. Yes, I am very happy with this project because I have learnt a lot about Web2.0 At present we are working on pingback and trackback."
"Me parece lógico lo que me decís. Es un grupo para compartir links sobre práctica del español, conocer un poco de la cultura hisponoablante, y encontrarse con gente que también aprende español. No recibes demasiados correos. Cariños desde Argentina.…"
"Hola, Maryanne: Ya que el español es tu segunda lengua, te invito a tí y a los que conozcas que les pueda interesar a sumarse al foro o e-group de español como segunda lengua en esta dirección: http://ar.groups.yahoo.com/group/idioma-espagnol/…"
"Hi, Barbara! Thanks for your message. I am sorry your students could not leave a comment. I will check what the problem is and solve it. Tell them to try next week.
Happy to see you in this group.
Love from Argentina :)"
"Hola, José. Gracias por tu invitación a estar dentro de tu grupo de amigos. ¡Acabo de ver tu blog y me parece muy interesante!! Ya lo estoy agregando a mi lista de favoritos para leer con más detalle.
Un abrazo desde La Plata, Argentina!"
"Hola, Iván. Exactamente los docentes de inglés nos vemos beneficiados por manejar el idioma de la tecnología ;) Pero aquí en ARgentina se está generando una movida muy grande con res pescto a las TICs.
De acuerdo con la cooperació de tu blog, dime…"
3-Start thinking about the topic you are going to write: music, your favourite sport team, literature, movies, etc.
Then send me a mail to nelbaq@yahoo.com.ar , so I can include you in my weekly mails with more instructions.Let me know the URL of your blog once you have opened it.
Yes, Nelba, I have visited your blog more than once. I have watched your video about WritingMatrix twice. And I found there many interesting things and links. Congratulations for your amazing blog.
No, I have not heard of Wikipasifica. I will check it. Let me know when you decide to join WritingMatrix. Have you visited my blog? htpp://englishvirtualcommunity.blogspot.com
Thanks for your reply, Nelba. I am keen of the web 2.0 tools and I'll see if I join writingmatrix, too if it's possible. Have you heard about the wiki course on Wikipasifika. Google it and you'll find it.
Kind regards from Portugal.
Greetings from Portugal. I am happy to be a member of Edublogger World where I can meet lots of interesting people like you and share knowledge with the members of this community.
I wish you all the best for your writingmatrix project.
Te agradezco la invitación pero mi interés principal es el uso del Internet en la enseñaza y creo que ahora tengo muchas blogs y feeds que seguir. De todos modos nos veremos en Bloggerworld, verdad?
Hola Nelba:
Te agradezco la invitación al grupo Yahoo pero me gustaría saber cual es el propósito del grupo antes des ser miembro. Como todos tengo ya muchos grupos y blogs que seguir. Así es que si me pudieras aclarar un poco más acerca del grupo, te lo agradecería.
Hi Nelba,
Good to see you here too.
The project Vance started is very interesting, Nelba. Some of my students have tried to comment on the writingmatrix blogs they found on Technorati, but unfortunately many are restricted to Blogger users only so they could not post.
2- In the first post, I suggest to put a photo of yours and a short introduction.
These are the results ( browse down the blogs because we started in May)
(María Lujan's blog) http://theticworld.blogspot.com/
(Matías') http://mbasilico.blogspot.com
(mine) http://englishvirtualcommunity.blogspot.com
3-Start thinking about the topic you are going to write: music, your favourite sport team, literature, movies, etc.
Then send me a mail to nelbaq@yahoo.com.ar , so I can include you in my weekly mails with more instructions.Let me know the URL of your blog once you have opened it.
Welcome to Writing matrix! Nelba
Kind regards
Kind regards from Portugal.
Greetings from Portugal. I am happy to be a member of Edublogger World where I can meet lots of interesting people like you and share knowledge with the members of this community.
I wish you all the best for your writingmatrix project.
Te agradezco la invitación pero mi interés principal es el uso del Internet en la enseñaza y creo que ahora tengo muchas blogs y feeds que seguir. De todos modos nos veremos en Bloggerworld, verdad?
Te agradezco la invitación al grupo Yahoo pero me gustaría saber cual es el propósito del grupo antes des ser miembro. Como todos tengo ya muchos grupos y blogs que seguir. Así es que si me pudieras aclarar un poco más acerca del grupo, te lo agradecería.
Good to see you here too.
The project Vance started is very interesting, Nelba. Some of my students have tried to comment on the writingmatrix blogs they found on Technorati, but unfortunately many are restricted to Blogger users only so they could not post.