Subject(s) I Teach or Learning Interest Area
Carpentry, duplication, compounding time/income, investing extra time/money now to leverage its reciprocal in the future. Quid pro quo.
Personal Interests and Passions
writing, developing new ways to transform old talents into new ones, speaking, creative financing, bartering, building and renovating, remodeling and restorations.
Personal Website / ePortfolio / Personal Web Presence (PWP)
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More About Me
Interested in learning all about Internet Commerce and exchange from people who have the expertise to help me become the best I can be, so I can help others do the same. The majority of jobs and business/teaching opportunities are now, or soon will be online and we have a duty to publish and help as many people as possible that adaptation is as necessary now as it was during the industrial revolution and even more so today! The jobs that vanish today and every new day, will not be returning again except as museum props or history facts. Believe this and you prosper, deny it and you surely shall lack all but life's bare necessities.