Things you're seeing this week
- Pandemic Pod show
- Traci Bean of Pandemic Pods (Rebecca?)
- Online conferences
- School plans
- Angela: Colorado. Mara: Georgia reopened, already have cases, didn't require masks. Kenya completely shutting down for a whole year. Howard: India article. Gregory: SJ everyone going distance learning. Looking at what librarians, counselors, and advisors are doing; could they be managing small groups of kids (special ed); Howard: India, universal access, everything holistic, core essentials and critical thinking, experiential learning (lead), transforming assessment completely, revising all textbook, shifting to multi-lingual system, completely changing teacher training. Mara: sister school in Ladak, schools who failed the entrance exam, Malawi meeting with president. Angela: Nepris (?) using LinkedIn to do something where kids can have video conference calls with experts, all archived, all through Zoom, organized like Quorum, Angela change-making curriculum, real-time innovation projects with kids. Angela: people seeing what money is being spent on. Rebecca: Nice White Parents.
- Rebecca: attendance was lower. Communication and people needing to talk.
- Posted the links in the email and on the front page--make a difference?
- Rebecca - event function?
- Podcasting thoughts?
- Facebook / LinkedIn / other social media
- Other feedback?
- Still need to meet (Steve, Rachelle, Rebecca, Rusty)
Other / Ideas
- Big event?
- Teaching by Heart
The Indispensable Teacher
Education for Hope and Healing
- Teaching by Heart
- Mini-Summit
- Microschools
- Self-directed learners
- Homeschool conference / starting to homeschool
- Libraries as learning pods / librarian connection (Andrew)
- Learning Coaches? Self-directed learning coaches.
- Rebecca: Can't keep up. What about learning coaches for the teachers?
- Mara: and
- Teacher 2.0
- People to add to Learning Revolutionaries
- What's our goal?
- Robert Kiyosaki / Buckminster Fuller
- Nyhl Henson, maybe connected to Robert Kiyosaki
- Medard Gabel (Rebecca)
- Walter Russell (Mara)