Ed Tech Month

Ed Tech Month Webinar Series - May 2014

PowerUp WHAT WORKS and the Learning Revolution are excited to announce a special webinar series to celebrate Ed Tech Month during the month of May. This free, online professional development series will focus on five important topics for educators, with presentations by leading ed tech experts from AIR.  

PD certificates will be available for those who complete the series. Follow #edtechmonth for updates and sharing with your colleagues. Learn more about the team of Ed Tech Month presenters.

Webinar Platform

The sessions are being held in Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate), and can be accessed live from any personal computer and most mobile devices.  See mobile instructions here.  

Before you join a session:


  • Use the Time Zone Converter to view the schedule in your local time
  • Click on the hyperlinked title to join the session

Thursday, May 8th 3:30-4:30 pm EDT 

Personalize Your Math Professional Development
Learn how to personalize your professional development around math and technology using PowerUp WHAT WORKS.

Read more at http://powerupwhatworks.org/page-puww/math-instructional-strategies.

Tuesday, May 13th 3:30-4:30 pm EDT 

Deepen Your Knowledge about Technology Implementation Planning
Enhance your technology implementation plan using best practices recommendations from PowerUp WHAT WORKS.

Read more at http://powerupwhatworks.org/page-puww/powerup-your-school.

Thursday, May 15th 3:30-4:30 pm EDT 

Personalize Your ELA Professional Development
Learn how to personalize your professional development around English Language Arts and technology using PowerUp WHAT WORKS.

Read more at http://powerupwhatworks.org/page-puww/ela-instructional-strategies.

Tuesday, May, 20th 3:30-4:30 pm EDT 

Learn About Differentiated Instruction and UDL; Personalize Your PD
Explore ways to use differentiated instruction and UDL principles to personalize your professional development.

Read more at www.PowerUpWhatWorks.org.

Thursday, May 22nd 3:30-4:30 pm EDT  

Use Technology to PowerUp Your Formative Assessment
Make technology work for your formative assessments.

Read more at http://powerupwhatworks.org/page-puww/technology-support-formative-assessment-math.

About Our Presenters

Alise Brann
Deputy Director

Alise Brann, M.S. Ed., Ed.S., serves as Deputy Director for PowerUp WHAT WORKS (Center for Technology Implementation). She develops PowerUp What Works resources, contributes to website design and functionality, and advances field testing objectives. Ms. Brann has provided technical assistance and professional development on the use of technology to facilitate access to academic content for students with disabilities through initiatives such as the National Charter School Resource Center (NCSRC), the Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd), and the National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI). She has developed a variety of resources for educators on topics in educational technology and assistive technology solutions and conducted extensive reviews of assistive and educational technology products for TechMatrix. Ms. Brann also provides ongoing virtual technical assistance and professional development through the use of social media, practitioner outreach, research articles, and targeted technology advice to educators and parents of students with disabilities. She holds an Ed.S. in Assistive Technology and an M.S.Ed. in Moderate Disabilities from Simmons College.

Tracy Gray
Managing Director

Tracy Gray, Ph.D., oversees and leads all CTI tasks. Dr. Gray also directs a second national technology center funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) — the National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI). Previously, she served as director for the Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd). These Centers have helped promote the development and implementation of evidence-based technology practices and tools to improve the educational achievement of students with disabilities. As the Director for the Microsoft Math Partnership, she guides an initiative that supports teachers, administrators, and coaches of mathematics in implementing high quality technology-enriched programs for middle school students. A nationally recognized expert in education and technology, Dr. Gray has led numerous initiatives in the United States and abroad that examine the impact of technology on educational achievement. She also publishes and lectures widely on issues related to the effective implementation of technology, particularly for those with special needs. She received a Ph.D. in Education and Psychology from Stanford University.

Kristin Ruedel
Field Site and Implementation Team Lead

Kristin Ruedel, Ph.D. serves as content developer for PowerUp WHAT WORKS, assists in website design and contributes to gathering and developing appropriate resources for the website. She has more than 15 years of experience in the field of special education, as a teacher, teacher trainer, technical assistance provider, evaluator and researcher and has worked on a variety of projects funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services promoting research, use, and implementation of technology to enhance educational achievement among individuals with disabilities since 1990. Dr. Ruedel received her B.A. from Eastern Michigan University in mathematics education and special education for deaf and hearing-impaired individuals, her M.Ed. from Harvard Graduate School of Education in International Education Policy and her Ph.D. from University of Maryland in Special Education Policy.

Judith Zorfass
Co-Principal Investigator

Judith Zorfass, Ed.D., co-Principal Investigator for CTI, oversees the development and design of the PowerUp What Works website, including the content and guidelines for the technology implementation process. Dr. Zorfass has been directing federally-funded projects on special education, literacy, and technology integration since the mid-1980s. For EDC and other leading organizations, she has carried out research, developed curriculum, designed online courses for professionals, led the design of websites, conducted professional development, provided technical assistance, and designed software. She is the author of the ASCD book, “Helping Middle School Students Become Active Researchers,” which focused on technology and inquiry; the lead author of “Make It Happen!” which guides teams of middle school teachers to integrate technology into inquiry-based learning; and the lead author of “Leading inDeed,” a school-based approach to technology integration. In addition to publishing many journal articles, Dr. Zorfass is a frequent presenter at national and regional conferences.